Pat Bravo

Products | Patterns | Clothing | Boho Dress

Long or short? Long sleeve or sleeve-less? Pick your style! The new Boho Dress is perfect to lay back and relax while looking effortlessly stunning.


DVD Video
PRINTED Real Size Templates

The DVD features two options of the dress; option A consists of a sleeveless, short sundress/tunic, while option B has tulip sleeves & a longer hemline. With up-beat music, high quality pictures and animated graphics, this video makes the sewing experience dynamic and pleasant. It comes with a complete glossary of the basic sewing terminology, explained in audio and supported by detailed video demos. Real-size printed pattern pieces are included with the DVD, so the sewers can simply pop-in the DVD, and start sewing right away.

*This pattern is not downloadable.


Your favorite 44" wide fabric:

Option A
XS - 2½ yards
S - 2½ yards
M - 2¾ yards
L - 2¾ yards

Option B
XS - 3¼ yards
S - 3¼ yards
M - 3½ yards
L - 3½ yards


◦ Color coordinated thread
◦ Scissors
◦ Straight pins
◦ Size 14 machine needle
◦ Iron
◦ Water soluble marker
◦ Zig-Zag Presser Foot

Pat Bravo